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Software Testing as a Game: why and how?

Sometimes the testing procedure may seem as the unnecessary step of the software life-cycle. Such approach can initially cause bad consequences. Both a tester and a user will not be

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How Can a Tester Improve His Working Process?

Software testing closely echoes the changing of the seasons, because of its timing and work conditions. It can be full-featured website testing with the distinct specification at one period of

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4 Misconceptions About the Tester’s Job

Many people, who decided to connect their life with the IT sphere, are mistaken about the software tester position, and sometimes even do not set aside it. Well, it is

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Scrum, Kanban and XP: Similarities and Differences

Agile software methodology is characterized by its advance and serialization, when it comes to software testing or mobile testing. And every cycle stage, usually in 2-4 weeks, should be ended

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Improve Your Pro-level with Agile Testing Techniques

While the agile approach to software testing is booming, each of the professional testers should permanently increase his knowledgeability and software testing careers. There are three main features of the

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Exploratory Testing: Features and Appliance

The testing types list seems to be endless and, moreover, some of them have very similar characteristics. Many “green” testers cannot realize the fine line between ad-hoc testing and exploratory

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5 Causes of Bugs Miss Out

QA company always tries to motivate its testers to be more concentrated and attentive during the process of software testing. A tester can be more than creative in case of test

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How to Choose a Tool for Automated Testing?

It is quite difficult to underestimate the benefits of automated testing. Every software testing company employee knows it is one of the best ways to optimize testing process. And there

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How to Make Usability Testing More Effective?

Every developing team waits for the feedback from end users. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get the information about each component of the product. To predict the end users’ reaction,

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How to Write Good Tets Report?

Looking for bugs is the main task of every tester’s work. Software testing company offers only errors finding services, fixing them is up to the developers. Proper communication between testers

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What Box to Choose: Black, White or Grey?

The software testing company employee must be sure that the product is perfectly tested. That is why it is so important to be aware of the main software testing types.

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